Cape Cabarita.. On Hen & Chicken Bay SYDNEY
This is a Private website and access is available to residents ONLY!. PLEASE DON'T REGISTER FOR ENTRY TO THIS SITE UNLESS YOU ARE A RESIDENT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------To use your community website you must first register and await resident verification and password.(Auto allocated passwords can be changed to a more suitable one later)Only residents are permitted to access most pages of this site.Only Strata residents may access their particular Strata information.Contact Webmaster for listing of items of community interest or changing strata information etc.,PAGES INCLUDE..... COMMUNITY ITEMS
Is an area for items such as the Community Management and Landscaping statement, Bylaws, meeting Information, , Community Facility info etc.... all items which are helpful when living at Cape Cabarita.COMMUNITY ROOM EVENTS
All bookings for private functions are to be made at the estate office and cannot be done on this website. Please check on bookings of the Community room for private functions prior to making any enquiries re booking availability.Deposits for private room hire should be made at the Estate Office.STRATA INFORMATION
For all information relating to living in your strata building, bye-laws, meeting agendas, minutes, notices of repairs etc.( As provided by the strata committee) RESIDENT DIRECTORY
This is an up to date listing of name, address and contact details of residents.Remember that this information is restricted to residents ONLY, for privacy reasons."Cape Cabarita" trademark is owned by Rosecorp Pty Ltd and is used under license. Rosecorp is not responsible for the accuracy r any representation in this email and makes no warranty and accepts no liability for any claim, loss or damage (including a claim of negligence) |